Jan 2006 Old Town, FL 28th NCRS Regional As usual, I'll probably screw up some of these descriptions, so please feel free to correct my omissions and errors. (I need an editor, but they must own a Corvette)
This was the second year at Old Town and the auction was moved because this site was not large enough to allow an increase in their capacity. We missed the auction, however there was a capacity crowd for the judging, swap and associated events. Over 100 spots were available for the Flight judging and few spaces were empty. I could not cover every entrant, but did manage to snap a few shots for my report. In no particular order, they include Colorful Old Girls Old Town Swap Event 1957 Nassau/Daytona Race Car Sebring 12 Hour Preview 2006 1969 L-88 and L-89 1969 ZL-1 Automatic Really, Really Big. Big Boys Toys
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