In nearly 1000 miles of driving we had a score of Zero for the Moose, and only 12 for the elusive Corvette, not including the 7 inside on display inside the Precision Valley Corvette Museum. My rare Sebring Silver Quatro-Porte is seen far right below. Carrying the battery booster is Roberto, the museum director. He had just jumped that old P*rsche. I actually did mention to him that I thought it was out of character for him to be driving that car. He just kinda shrugged and smiled.
On Saturday we re-visited the Precision Valley Corvette Museum which now has the restored 1953 stainless steel diner fully operational and open. Since this is Springfield, Vt. it is appropriately named the Springfield Royal Diner. You can enter below the cylindrical roof in the photo shown above.
Then you can choose to make a left turn into the diner above complete with an old Wurlitzer juke box. Or go straight ahead into the museum and sign the guest book.
Among the nostalgia exhibits of old cars, parts, gas pumps is an old wooden phone booth and a 1950's soda fountain with an old soda jerk on display.
In the lobby is a plaque of the 2002-2003 Charter Members. Your truly is fifth down on the far right.
The following Corvettes were on display inside the PVCM.
1955 Red - 6 pictures
1964 Silver - 3 pictures
1970 Gray - 1 picture
1978 Indy Pace Car - 1 picture
1994 ZR-1 - 1 picture
Callaway - 2 pictures
North of Springfield, Vt. on Rt 5 is one of the only 3 operating Drive-in Theaters in Vermont. And as an added attraction there is a 20 unit motel. It is called the Fairlee Motel and Drive in Theater. Plus the Vermont & New Hampshire Diners & the Mt. Washington.
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